(Of course, if the custom style is based on the Normal style, you might get some "trickle down" formatting that affects how the custom style looks whenever you make changes to the Normal style. In this way you can use the Normal style for other purposes, and as you change that style it won't affect the custom style you applied to the separator lines. You can then, within the footnote area, apply the style to the separator lines. The second approach is to define a custom style that you intend on using for your separator lines. That way the Normal style remains unchanged and you won't have unintended consequences such as you see with the Footnote Separator line. Pick another style-perhaps Body Text-or create your own custom styles to use for your text. Besides the steps already outlined, there are two other ways around this problem.įirst, you can make a personal rule that you never use the Normal style for any of your regular document text. If these lines start showing some strange formatting characteristics, it is more than likely because you've made some changes in how the Normal style is defined. By default, the Footnote Separator and the other separator lines used by footnotes and endnotes all use the Normal style. While the above works just fine, there is one other thing you might want to keep in mind. Use Word's regular formatting tools to change the paragraph indentation on the separator.The current separator appears in the window, and the insertion point should be within the separator. Using the Footnotes drop-down list at the top of the Footnotes window, choose Footnote Separator.Click on the View Footnote Area radio button.If you have both footnotes and endnotes defined in your document, Word displays the View Footnotes dialog box.Display the References tab of the ribbon.(Click on the Draft View icon on the status bar of the document.) Make sure you are viewing your document in Draft view.As a paragraph, you can easily format it just as you would any other paragraph. The footnote separator is inserted, automatically, by Word in its own paragraph. Show All links to recommended YouTube channels and website are mentioned in about section. The corresponding number will automatically appear at the end of your text, where you can write your citation. This will make the superscript appear in the text, where you placed your cursor. Under the References tab, click Insert Endnote. Jim would rather have the footnote separator align to the left column, rather than being indented. Place your cursor where you would like the superscript to appear. Our mornings tend to set the tone for the rest of the day. It lines up with the indented first line of a normal paragraph. Here are a few ways you can start your workday off on the right foot. Just above the footnotes and below the page's text is the footnote separator. When Jim prints his document, the footnotes appear as they should at the bottom of each page.